Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How to Install CakeAMFPHP


Are you trying to create an enterprise Flex app? You'll be needing to do some heavy lifting serverside. Chances are, you'll be needing some help... thats where CakePHP comes in. If you've programmed in PHP before, you've probably heard of CakePHP, a rapid development PHP framework. Using CakePHP allows us to stay MVC oriented, resulting in code with better readability and objects with looser coupling. Scalability. Baby!

If you've ever tried to send data back and forth between flash and php chances are you've used AMFPHP. With AMFPHP you can do stuff like for example sending in custom value objects(public var fooGuy:UserVO) to your PHP script and back. This means less work, no converting objects to arrays and arrays back to objects.

Wanna combine the best of both worlds? This is where CakeAMFPHP comes in. I'll be telling you have to install CakeAMFPHP with CakePHP 1.1 in this post.


Step 1.

Grab the latest CakePHP here: http://cakeforge.org/frs/download.php/591/cake_1.1.19.6305.tar.bz2

Step 2.

Extract this anywhere you'd like.
The directory structure should look like:


Step 3.

Grab the latest CakeAMFPHP here: http://cakeforge.org/frs/download.php/267/cakeamfphp.0.6.0.tar.bz2

Step 4.

Unzip CakeAMFPHP into a temporary directory.
The directory structure should look like:


Step 5.

Next cut and paste the webroot, views, and vendors directories into cakePHP's app folder (cake_1.1.19.6305/app). You are doing it right if cakeamfphp/webroot matches with cake_1.1.19.6305/app/webroot.

Step 6.

Configure your cakePHP installation (/app/config/core.php).

the amfbrowser is located in the amfbrowser directory. If localhost points to your cakeAMFPHP project then http://localhost/amfbrowser will point you to the amfbrowser.

Now that the files are in place, take a look at amfBB for examples of how to use the cake_gateway.php to invoke cakePHP's controller methods.

You might notice that cakeAMFPHP break's cakePHP's session component. Next time, I'll teach you how to get cakePHP's sessions working with cakeAMFPHP :P

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