Friday, August 13, 2010

How to migrate your AIR certificate (Air 2.0)

1] Determine your application's current publisher ID. In an installed application, this is found in the package's META-INF/AIR/publisherid file.

2] Open your application's descriptor file, e.g. My-App.xml and add in:

3] Export a release build with your new certificate

4] Run this command to tell adt you are migrating from a old certificate:
#/Applications/Adobe\ Flash\ Builder\ 4/sdks/4.1.0/bin/adt -migrate -storetype pkcs12 -keystore ./src/MYOLDCERT.p12 -storepass MYCERTPASS -keypass MYCERTPASS my-app-v2.air my-app-v2-migrated.air

Point your application's updater to my-app-v2-migrated.air and it should update fine

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

TLF Bugs

I recently ran into a couple hard to diagnose TLF bugs, this might help save someone else a couple days of debugging time..

1] Redraw bug when using Linked Containers

2] Embedded fonts break if your program uses spark text containers