Monday, August 25, 2008

Remote Debugging Flash or Flex Apps using Flex IDE

Theres a lot of information about this already, just mentioning it one more time won't hurt:

1] Make sure your Flash app is compiled permitting debugging. If using Flex make sure its not the release compilation. Lets pretend the compiled program is uploaded to

2] Create a new Flex project, you can name it anything.

3] Right click on the new project, goto Properties then Run/Debug Settings. Make a new configuration with the Debug/Profile/Run path pointing to the application you want to debug, in our case:

4] Click Debug project. It will pop up the application you want to debug.

5] When the window pops up, right click the program. If you have Flash Debug Player installed, there will be a context menu item called Debugger. Click this.

6] Tell it you want to connect the debugger to localhost (which your Flex IDE started).

7] Done, you should be able to see trace statements :)

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