Friday, July 11, 2008

PureMVC Pipes disconnecting the pipes after a module is unloaded TeeSplit

because TeeSplit can't remove a pipefitting of our choosing I extended it
and added in this method:

public function removePipeFitting(inpipe:IPipeFitting):IPipeFitting {
var outputsac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(outputs);

if (outputsac.getItemIndex(inpipe) >= 0) {
return outputsac.removeItemAt(outputsac.getItemIndex(inpipe)) as IPipeFitting;
return null;


in a PipeAwareModule you can add a reference to the pipes connecting to it.

private var _cachedPipes:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([]);

* used to remove pipes at the shell's side of the junction
* @param pipefitting we are going to call disconnect on this pipefitting
* @param output
public function cacheFitting(pipefitting:IPipeFitting, output:IPipeFitting):void {
_cachedPipes.addItem({pipefitting:pipefitting, output:output});

* goes through the arraycollection disconnecting the pipefitting from output
public function removepipes():void {
for each (var pipefittings:Object in _cachedPipes) {
if (pipefittings.pipefitting is TeeSplitImproved) {
(pipefittings.pipefitting as TeeSplitImproved).removePipeFitting(pipefittings.output);
else {
(pipefittings.pipefitting as IPipeFitting).disconnect();

if your module has a unload method you'd want to:

1] call facade.removeMediator on every mediator (in the junction mediator's onRemove method do junction.removePipe on all pipefittings attached to that junction), facade.removeProxy, ..etc
2] call the removepipes() to remove incoming pipes, then
3] call facade.removeCore to get rid of all the core actors.

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