Friday, May 1, 2009

HSlider as scrubber bar showing percent downloaded

If you are making a simple video component with VideoDisplay and want
to use the HSlider as the scrubber bar, you might run into the problem
of trying to display the % of the video that has been downloaded.

We can use HSlider's showHighlightTrack property for that. But
first we have to figure out how we can set it programmatically.

Heres how:

package com.flexas3.components
import mx.controls.HSlider;
import mx.core.Container;
import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import mx.styles.ISimpleStyleClient;

use namespace mx_internal;
public class HSliderProgress extends HSlider
private var _progress:Number = 0;
public function get progress():Number {
return _progress;
// 0-1
public function set progress(o:Number):void {
if (o < 0) o = 0;
if (o > 1) o = 1;
_progress = o;

* @private
override mx_internal function drawTrackHighlight():void
var track:IFlexDisplayObject = innerSlider.getChildAt(0) as IFlexDisplayObject;
var highlightTrack:IFlexDisplayObject = innerSlider.getChildAt(1) as IFlexDisplayObject;

if (track && highlightTrack)
var xPos:Number;
var tWidth:Number;

xPos = track.x;
// minus xPos is the right side offset
tWidth = track.width*progress;
//trace('track.width', track.width, 'tWidth', tWidth);
highlightTrack.move(xPos, track.y + 1);
highlightTrack.setActualSize(tWidth > 0 ? tWidth : 0, highlightTrack.height);


When you instantiate the HSliderProgress make sure to set

Also, as you get your video net_status updated just bind the
bytesLoaded/bytesTotal to the progress property.

Also one nice thing is that you can style it the way you'd normally style HSlider with Flex skinning.


Alban Ruci said...

seems exactly what I'm looking for a project which I use video player.
Please can you give an example of what you have done, It would help to understand better.

Thanks in advance


Thomas said...

I added an invalidDisplayList() in the set progress function so that the component updates its display.