to use the HSlider as the scrubber bar, you might run into the problem
of trying to display the % of the video that has been downloaded.
We can use HSlider's showHighlightTrack property for that. But
first we have to figure out how we can set it programmatically.
Heres how:
package com.flexas3.components
import mx.controls.HSlider;
import mx.core.Container;
import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
import mx.core.mx_internal;
import mx.styles.ISimpleStyleClient;
use namespace mx_internal;
public class HSliderProgress extends HSlider
private var _progress:Number = 0;
public function get progress():Number {
return _progress;
// 0-1
public function set progress(o:Number):void {
if (o < 0) o = 0;
if (o > 1) o = 1;
_progress = o;
* @private
override mx_internal function drawTrackHighlight():void
var track:IFlexDisplayObject = innerSlider.getChildAt(0) as IFlexDisplayObject;
var highlightTrack:IFlexDisplayObject = innerSlider.getChildAt(1) as IFlexDisplayObject;
if (track && highlightTrack)
var xPos:Number;
var tWidth:Number;
xPos = track.x;
// minus xPos is the right side offset
tWidth = track.width*progress;
//trace('track.width', track.width, 'tWidth', tWidth);
highlightTrack.move(xPos, track.y + 1);
highlightTrack.setActualSize(tWidth > 0 ? tWidth : 0, highlightTrack.height);
When you instantiate the HSliderProgress make sure to set
Also, as you get your video net_status updated just bind the
bytesLoaded/bytesTotal to the progress property.
Also one nice thing is that you can style it the way you'd normally style HSlider with Flex skinning.
seems exactly what I'm looking for a project which I use video player.
Please can you give an example of what you have done, It would help to understand better.
Thanks in advance
I added an invalidDisplayList() in the set progress function so that the component updates its display.
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