Monday, August 4, 2008

Getting CakeAMFPHP w/ CakePHP 1.1 centralized database sessions working

CakePHP makes it a snap to create centralized database sessions.

However, If you wanted to use Flash and CakeAMFPHP with CakePHP's sessions, you'll find that it might not be working. Here are some fixes+workarounds to get it running.

Step 1] open /app/vendors/vendors/cakeamfphp/amf-core/app/Gateway.php
comment out line 93

//$this->filters['auth'] = 'authenticationFilter';

The auth filter was breaking the sessions for some reason.

Step 2] Open /app/config/core.php
change the CAKE_SESSION_SAVE to:

define('CAKE_SESSION_SAVE', 'database');

change CAKE_SESSION_COOKIE to your php cookie sessions name(look in phpinfo()):
for example mine is:


change CAKE_SECURITY to low:

define('CAKE_SECURITY', 'low');

Step 3] create the sessions table in your $default(in database.php) database by importing the file at: /app/config/sql/sessions.sql

Step 4] open /cake/libs/session.php and comment out:
on line 132:

/*if (Configure::read('Session.checkAgent') === true) {
if (env('HTTP_USER_AGENT') != null) {
$this->_userAgent = md5(env('HTTP_USER_AGENT') . CAKE_SESSION_STRING);

on line 311:

if (/*Configure::read('Session.checkAgent') === false || $this->_userAgent == $this->read("Config.userAgent") && */$this->time <= $this->read("Config.time")) {

on line 541:

if (/*Configure::read('Session.checkAgent') === false || $this->_userAgent == $this->read("Config.userAgent") && */$this->time <= $this->read("Config.time")) {

the useragent works with the browser but we are connecting using flash to amf to for some reason this was breaking.

You are done, try playing around with the Session methods to see if your
sessions are being stored and retrieved from the database. For a tutorial on CakePHP sessions take a look here.

still having problems? Try turning off cookies in your cake gateway.

Open /app/webroot/cake_gateway.php:

insert this at the top:

ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 1); //make it so we can use cookie-less sessions
ini_set('session.use_cookies', 0);

open /cake/libs/session.php:

find all occurences of ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0);
and change them to

ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 1);

in your delegate when you call the gateway it must pass in a PHPSESSID example:

//cookieless sessions
if (session_id != null) {
appendurl = '?PHPSESSID='+session_id;

var gateway:String="http://cakeamfphp/cake_gateway.php"+appendurl;

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